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  • G.K. Chesterton Entertainment

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    Momenta Sacra (Latin for “holy moments”) is a short meditative film series highlighting some of the most significant moments in the lives of the Saints. Our hope is that their stories will lead you to a deeper yearning for prayer and inspire all of us to boldly live out our faith.

    Episode 1

    Mary, Mother
    of God

    Episode 2

    Saint Joan
    of Arc

    Episode 3

    Saint Francis
    of Assisi

    Episode 4

    St. Therese
    of Lisieux

    Episode 5

    St. Maximilian Kolbe

    About Momenta Sacra

    The lives of the saints have always been and will be important to GKCE. We know that their witnesses are some of the most powerful and by sharing their stories it's an opportunity for real conversion of the heart.

    In recent years, we've seen the tides of our culture slipping away into spiritual darkness. Yet, our faith remains the only thing that brings true light and real hope to a darkened world.

    We at GKCE believe that art and media have the singular, far-reaching ability to influence the culture at large. In just a few moments a beautiful work of art can touch the soul in a truly personal and life-changing way. It is with this in mind that Momenta Sacra was created. We plan to tell visually beautiful stories of how God used seemingly ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things; many of whom changed history in the process.

    The lives of the Saints are edifying. We pray that this series will encourage you and your faith life and help us all to live a more saintly life.

    A message from Maria

    The potential for multiplying God’s reach through GKCE’s work is endless, and we are excited about the possibilities!

    Our goal is to enlighten the hearts and minds of as many people as we are able to reach around the world with GKCE’s Momenta Sacra series. We are in ongoing discussions with Christian broadcasting platforms in the hope that we can televise Momenta Sacra episodes, similar to how we aired The Last Days and our Lenten Reflections on EWTN. Ultimately, we plan to make the series available for private programs at parishes and Christian organizations.

    If you feel called to contribute to GKCE’s Momenta Sacra project, click “back us” in the menu to contribute whatever you feel moved to gift. We offer our sincere thanks for your generous support—the impact of your contribution will be immeasurable. God bless you.

    What our viewers are saying

    Gorgeous. I have read The Story of a Soul and this short film so remarkably ties it all together!
    —Kay J.

    This was incredible. My heart leaped in my chest. I am so glad you put it on my feed. Now I can watch the others as well.
    —Aida B.

    The beauty, heart and spirit in this project is so powerful! Cannot wait to see more.
    —Kristin C.

    Incredibly moving and powerful. Beautifully shot and the lighting is exceptional. Maria is a brilliant actress with voice of an angel. This series is going to be extraordinary and heaven-sent for a time like this.
    —Judi B.